
03-5386-1000 営業時間8:00~17:00(日曜祝祭日除く)
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Gate - Tokyo Art University Professor Ohishihara Produced

The gate of the Okazato Factory is set up by Tokyo National University of the Archeology,
"Midori no Mon" which imaged the global environment and forest protection.
Namiki also planted 35 palm trees of 8 meters,
and it is also a manifestation of attitude as a business operator engaged in environment-related recycling business.

Taguchi Metals Corporation continues to strive for corporate activities that are in harmony with our natural environment
while effectively recycling limited metal resources and appropriately responding to diverse customer needs.

Taguchi's strengths

Since its founding, we have been striving to maintain no loss and no accident.
We will continue to cooperate and co-prosper with our employees and local communities,
taking into consideration the safety environment inside the factory with five strengths.

To Taguchi's strengths

Please send inquiries from the following email form or telephone.

03-5386-1000 Contact